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The President Husband edition by Michael Murphy Romance eBooks

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Download PDF The President Husband  edition by Michael Murphy Romance eBooks

When an assassin’s bullet strikes his predecessor, Grayson Alexander becomes the first openly gay President of the United States and his husband, David Hammond, becomes the first openly gay First Husband. With their world turned upside down, David relies on his career as a medical school professor and ER doctor to keep him grounded. But his decision to keep working ruffles feathers from day one.

Gray throws himself into learning everything he needs to know to be President, especially a liberal president surrounded by a conservative cabinet and staff. Even though he puts in outrageous hours working and traveling seven days a week month after month, he’s happy. But David has trouble coping with Gray’s new job requirements. He can’t help but feel abandoned by his husband of ten years.

When Gray asks for his help with a public-health crisis, David obliges, but he is furious about what happens once the emergency passes. When they learn that the President’s staff has manipulated them both, they wonder if their relationship can survive the White House.

The President Husband edition by Michael Murphy Romance eBooks

This book helped feed my recently discovered, rather major, infatuation with a gay couple in the White House. I loved Gray and David as a couple, they're perfect for each other. Gray was unexpectedly thrust into the position as President and the first several months in that role took a harsh tole on his relationship with David. Gray let himself be swept up in his job to the point that he almost lost what was most important to him. I really felt David's building frustration with their inability to get any time together. The Chief of Staff got away with far too much. I can't see that his bullying behavior would have been tolerated for that long. It was frustrating that Gray didn't take a stand far sooner and without having to be pushed into it. The stand that David took with Gray was needed to get Gray back on track and focused on them as a couple. And the sequence of events after that awakening were quite entertaining. I liked that the book didn't follow typical protocol of drawn out angst and then a quick resolution followed by the end of the book. Gray and David had the time to find each other again, and it was sweet and enjoyable.

David was more dominant in their private moments. I liked the few, somewhat public times that David's assertive side came out, like where he got in Gray's face in the back of the limo. ;)

I briefly hesitated with the purchase (the possibility of too much angst makes me nervous), but reading about a gay president and his husband wasn't something I could pass up, not after reading Enemies of the State (Tal Bauer) which is also about a gay couple in the White House..and is freakin' amazing! I'm very happy that I bought this book, I read it from start to finish in one day, and I finished it with a smile, and feeling good about the time I spent reading it, and I know I'll go back to read it again.

Product details

  • File Size 2086 KB
  • Print Length 220 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Dreamspinner Press; 1 edition (January 29, 2016)
  • Publication Date January 29, 2016
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read The President Husband  edition by Michael Murphy Romance eBooks

Tags : The President's Husband - Kindle edition by Michael Murphy. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Michael Murphy,The President's Husband,Dreamspinner Press,FICTION Romance Gay,FICTION Political
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The President Husband edition by Michael Murphy Romance eBooks Reviews

Great Plot with well developed characters. Can't wait until the United States has its first gay president.
Whitehouse life has to be difficult for all the couples.
We will see.
Tomorrow is a new day.
So they say.
Loved it. Want to read more by this author.
Too little romance and love, too much political agenda. This work suffers from anemic dialogue and weak sentence structure. The premise is excellent, but perhaps a bit ambitious for this writer. The cliché conservative-bashing proved stale, inaccurate and patronizing. I bought this book with the intention of loving it. I cringed all the way through it instead.
This is the first book I have read by this author. I enjoyed it very much. The Main Characters David, I loved him, fighting to save his marriage from forces that want him out of the way. Gray The President, new to the game of politics; eager to learn, but is losing the man he loves. a good story with a good, and strong characters. Well written.
Wow....This book blew me away with its intense and very emotional storyline. Gray was only supposed to be vice president but tragedy happened and suddenly he is President of the United States. David is doctor and teacher of medicine as well as being Gray's husband. He loves his politician husband and is proud when he is sworn into office. The story is told from David's perspective and portrays his thoughts and feelings on being "first husband". An emotional roller coaster ride that captivated me from beginning to end. I highly recommend this book. M/M romance
This book helped feed my recently discovered, rather major, infatuation with a gay couple in the White House. I loved Gray and David as a couple, they're perfect for each other. Gray was unexpectedly thrust into the position as President and the first several months in that role took a harsh tole on his relationship with David. Gray let himself be swept up in his job to the point that he almost lost what was most important to him. I really felt David's building frustration with their inability to get any time together. The Chief of Staff got away with far too much. I can't see that his bullying behavior would have been tolerated for that long. It was frustrating that Gray didn't take a stand far sooner and without having to be pushed into it. The stand that David took with Gray was needed to get Gray back on track and focused on them as a couple. And the sequence of events after that awakening were quite entertaining. I liked that the book didn't follow typical protocol of drawn out angst and then a quick resolution followed by the end of the book. Gray and David had the time to find each other again, and it was sweet and enjoyable.

David was more dominant in their private moments. I liked the few, somewhat public times that David's assertive side came out, like where he got in Gray's face in the back of the limo. ;)

I briefly hesitated with the purchase (the possibility of too much angst makes me nervous), but reading about a gay president and his husband wasn't something I could pass up, not after reading Enemies of the State (Tal Bauer) which is also about a gay couple in the White House..and is freakin' amazing! I'm very happy that I bought this book, I read it from start to finish in one day, and I finished it with a smile, and feeling good about the time I spent reading it, and I know I'll go back to read it again.
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